Deed when buying a villa or apartment is only DKK 6,000 incl. VAT up to DKK 3 million DKK (agriculture from DKK 10,000 incl. VAT), but excl. registration fee.
The law firm offers to review all papers, hold a (tel.) meeting, write a deed and prepare a reimbursement statement (or approve) as well as arrange for registration of the deed, cf. Purchase/Salesment of house, apartment or agriculture – Agreement of Real Estate and Deeds. See more details under the topic prices.
Previously, a deed was the legal clarification of a purchase agreement, which was then registered. As the purchase agreements became more and more detailed, the purchase agreements took over the role of the deed and one could basically just register the purchase agreements. But now that the registration has been digitized, you enter (some of) the information from the purchase agreements and in addition reference to the purchase agreement itself and possibly other agreements in connection with the trade, which should be kept for 10 years after the conclusion of the agreement. Entering the Land Registry System (the digital deed) is partially simple but can also be quite time consuming.
There is as a standard principle which entails no need to register when a property is being dealt with. If for instance, a commercial property is sold 4 times within 14 days, the first buyers can refrain from registering the transfer. And only the last owner will register the ownership. It saves a lot of registration fee and emphasizes that the registration is a security deed that shows to the public (and the outside world) who is the owner of the property, and at the same time it is necessary in relation to lenders who must have security for the loan (and registration mortgage on the property) that one can see that the borrower is identical with the owner of the property.
Is there a need for a deed in connection with a divorce where one party buys the other one out. Or a deed in a family store where you refrain from preparing a condition report, electrical inspection report and energy label, etc., we can offer to help with the registration for DKK 2,000 incl. VAT. If the transfer takes place in connection with a divorce, no value tax is paid upon registration – only the fixed tax of DKK 1,750 (2020).

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