
Order confirmation / agreement letter

We will send an order confirmation, where we agree the terms of the job as well as the law firm’s business conditions.

In some cases, we will have to ask for power of attorney, so we can prove we represent you.

In some cases, we will have to be able to document the identification of our clients in the form of both photo and adr-ID, cf. the Money Laundering Act. Which is why we ask for a copy of the clients passport / driving license and health card that can be sent via mail or MMS. These are typically real estate transactions and company formation as well as a few other types of cases. The ID must be kept on the case for 5 years, after which it will be deleted.

Most people have a smartphone today – and they can usually send photos directly per. mail. It’s faster than scanning into a PC. All we require is that the quality of the submission must be clearly legible.

When I receive a confirmation (by email / sms) of our agreement, I can get started.

At the beginning of the case, I usually ask for an on-account amount to cover the time spent on the case. I will typically be able to estimate how long it will take.

I will usually inform when there is news in the case, so you’re always updated on the case.

I prefer not to spend time following up on cases where there is nothing new.

If you just want a “do-it-yourself” solution, you order and pay, and I email the desired material, without responsibility for the use / result thereof.


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